Welcome to our latest CC eNews from our series of Photography Tips in ISO...Episode #2...
During lockdown, at least we can stay connected. We find ourselves back on those video calls more than ever - whether working from home or connecting with our loved ones.
So we thought we'd share a little 'lockdown love' with some expert on-camera tips;
'Look Like a Dream As You Stream in 3 Easy Steps'.

Online business calls are again part of the regular routine for those working from home.
And just like your professional business portraits (see our previous blog for more on that...) your appearance on-screen is important and should reflect your best YOU. So gets us thinking - how would you present yourself at a business meeting, face-to-face?
Of course, your friends and family may not be too fussed 'cause just seeing your smiling face will be such a joy! But let's face it, a video chat with a silhouette's nostrils in a cluttered bedroom isn't the most pleasant experience for anyone.
Yes we're at home, and it may seem a little more challenging, but we're sure if you follow these 3 easy steps you'll be looking like a pro online in no time!
#1 The Eyes Have It
Elevate and change the usual position of your device so the camera is level with your eyes.
This gives a much more flattering view of your face, rather than your belly or up your nose!

image credit - Macquarie University
#2 Lighten Up
As always, for best results in front of the camera - lighting is key. Sit opposite a large window for natural light, place a couple of desk lamps behind your computer or invest in a portable LED ring light to enhance your face without causing any squint.

#3 Keep It Simple
It goes without saying, your background needs to be as neat and tidy as possible to keep the focus on YOU and not that pile of dirty washing you forgot to put away. So whether at home or the office, seat yourself in front of a plain wall or background with minimal distractions behind you to help look even more professional on camera.

Share your happy 'zooming' moments to WIN
We'd love to hear about your funniest zoom meeting moments. The most entertaining story will be featured on our social media networks and WIN a unique Camera Creations USB camera gift! To enter or to connect with Monique for a chat call 0419 165 152 or email info@cameracreations.com.au